The two novellas by Wilhelm Jensen (1837-1911), "The Red Umbrella" ("Der rote Schirm") and "In the Gothic House" ("Im gotischen Hause") were originally published by Verlag Emil Felber, Berlin in 1892 under the title UBERMACHTE SUPERIOR POWERS]. They have not been reprinted since, nor have they to the best of my knowledge ever been translated into English. They play a role in the history of psycho-analysis, because Sigmund Freud refers to them in a letter to Wilhelm Jensen on December 16, 1907 concerning the latter's novella GRADIVA, which Freud had analysed at length: ." . . a knowledgeable...
The two novellas by Wilhelm Jensen (1837-1911), "The Red Umbrella" ("Der rote Schirm") and "In the Gothic House" ("Im gotischen Hause") were originall...