As a young African American girl residing in rural Louisiana in the 1960s, Raine Jackson faces numerous challenges as she struggles to find love and inner peace within her own mind. As the young girl searches for love from her father who holds a grudge against her mother she wonders if she will ever live up to his standards and gain his affection. Jealously and rage engulfs her as she watches her father share his love with everyone but her. The young girl faces numerous issues with bullies, racist remarks, and self-doubt. A mysterious letter from an anonymous sender and visions with...
As a young African American girl residing in rural Louisiana in the 1960s, Raine Jackson faces numerous challenges as she struggles to find love and i...
Life is hard... That's a given, but how can a young woman like Renee Williams even begin to figure it all out? Before becoming the sexy and successful Chicago lawyer she is today, she was once a confused and somewhat naive teenager searching for love in all of the wrong places. Flashback to the 90's where Renee's journey to success began during college. As soon as she steps foot on campus, growing pains begin to rock her world leaving her questioning everything and everyone she encounters. Friends begin to seem more like enemies and the former love of her life leaves Renee having to choose...
Life is hard... That's a given, but how can a young woman like Renee Williams even begin to figure it all out? Before becoming the sexy and successful...
Do you know what God's calling is on your life? Do you desire to have a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Him? Would you like to have a closer walk with our Heavenly Father? If so, you've come to the right place. Take a journey through the pages of this book and learn about the 8 different types of prayer listed in the Bible. Strengthen your prayer life with God today. He desires for you to get to know Him better. Choose today to start your personal prayer walk with God by becoming a prayer warrior. Your blessings are only a prayer away... This is an interactive book on prayer which...
Do you know what God's calling is on your life? Do you desire to have a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Him? Would you like to have a closer...