Si sientes que tu matrimonio esta a punto de romperse, o incluso si ya se han separado, Gary Chapman te mostrara como puedes darle a tu relacion una nueva oportunidad. Este libro te ayudara a - dar el siguiente paso cuando enfrentas dificultades en el matrimonio; - descubrir maneras saludables para manejar la frustracion y la ira; - lidiar efectivamente con la soledad; - renovar la esperanza y la confianza en tu pareja; y - reconstruir tu matrimonio desde cero.
If you feel like your marriage is near the breaking point, or even if you've already separated, Gary Chapman will show you how you...
Si sientes que tu matrimonio esta a punto de romperse, o incluso si ya se han separado, Gary Chapman te mostrara como puedes darle a tu relacion una n...
Every couple who wants a happy marriage will appreciate the revitalizing secrets in Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage. In it, Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley explore the traits of a healthy and thriving marriage.
Based on research of thousands of strong couples across the country, the twelve essential elements outlined are not only biblically based; they also chart a course for a romantic adventure that will last a lifetime.
With practical advice and stories from their own marriage and counseling experiences, Greg and Erin guide couples to find ways to work around...
Every couple who wants a happy marriage will appreciate the revitalizing secrets in Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage. In it, Dr. Greg and Eri...