The Rapid Eternity set in a futuristic New York, where each person's life is heavily controlled by the president, Lucifer Enmy. Each person has a watch that counts down to different significant events in their lives - such as meeting their soul mate. Seventeen year old Jack Witter is just as nervous as the other members in his society about meeting his soul mate, but instead finds that he is the president's new target and receives a watch counting down to his own death. He must escape his society and look for a way to save his own life, as well as everyone else in the society.
The Rapid Eternity set in a futuristic New York, where each person's life is heavily controlled by the president, Lucifer Enmy. Each person has a watc...
In the highly anticipated sequel to The Rapid Eternity: Brief Seconds In A Short Future, Jack Witter must deal with the recurring nightmares and trauma of watching both his best friend and father die by the hands of the city's Demagogue, Lucifer Enmy. Each day Enmy gets closer to taking total control over the city and killing someone that Jack loves. He has sworn to take away everything he loves and will stop at nothing to do so. Jack and the missing kids must band together to find the others before Enmy does and stop the attack before it is too late. Together, Jack, Naomi, and the others...
In the highly anticipated sequel to The Rapid Eternity: Brief Seconds In A Short Future, Jack Witter must deal with the recurring nightmares and traum...