In a world where animals walk upright and speak like you and I, a Dark Force sweeps across the land. A lone survivor swears vengeance. Leaving behind the smoldering wreckage that was once his village, our young aardvark hero heads off in search of The Ancients. Mystical Creatures once dismissed as fireside legends, The Ancients may be his only hope. This quest for revenge will take the youth far beyond his village. Learning to rely on others may be his hardest challenge, as he cannot rely on his wits alone if he is to survive...and save the world. This MG/YA novel is sure to thrill any lover...
In a world where animals walk upright and speak like you and I, a Dark Force sweeps across the land. A lone survivor swears vengeance. Leaving behind ...
While the Mythical Nation tries to recover from the civil war that killed thousands, strange happenings are occurring. Mythical creatures are being attacked seemingly at random, forcing the Guiding Council of Myths and Urban Legends to join together once again. The Guardin' Gnomes, a highly trained, elite military group, seek out the source of these disturbances. It's a race against time, as the leaders of the Mythical Nation try to locate the newest threat to their way of life before it's too late. Filled with more Myths and Urban Legends than you can shake a stick at, Seeking Control of the...
While the Mythical Nation tries to recover from the civil war that killed thousands, strange happenings are occurring. Mythical creatures are being at...