Soil and water conservation measures are basic resources essential for survival of human kind on earth. Ironically, very few people realize the importance of conservation and judiciously utilizing the soil, the greatest gift of nature. According to Dr.H.H.Bennett "Soil without water is desert and water without soil is useless." In fact every kind of farm activity is connected with land and prosperity of nation depends on quality of its and resources. Water is most limiting natural resource in semi-arid region. In most of the areas only water available is rain water. Due to inadequate and...
Soil and water conservation measures are basic resources essential for survival of human kind on earth. Ironically, very few people realize the import...
Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relationship provides valuable information for the use of design engineers or hydrologists, in designing runoff controlling structures for moderating flood control projects. Inadequacy of such information will lead to wrong assumption and unjustified use of factor resulting in heavy expenditure. Out of different rainfall characteristics, rainfall intensity is by far the most important one. The intensity of rainfall is inversely proportional to its duration of occurrence and directly proportional to the return period. With an increase in duration, there is...
Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relationship provides valuable information for the use of design engineers or hydrologists, in designing runoff ...