Wnt/Wingless pathway dysregulation leading to β-catenin stabilization, a central downstream component is widely associated with Intestinal carcinogenesis. Majority of tumors arise as a result of mutational inactivation of tumor suppressor gene Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC). This study identifies alternative mechanism of β-catenin stabilization in tumors that lack APC mutations. Tumor known to lack APC mutations, small bowel cancers and early age of onset colon cancers were analyzed. Both tumor groups demonstrates large genomic deletions in the β-catenin gene CTNNB1 resulting...
Wnt/Wingless pathway dysregulation leading to β-catenin stabilization, a central downstream component is widely associated with Intestinal carcin...
AM I BEING VICTIMIZED? KNOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. This book is aimed at making the young girls and Women aware of the crimes & Violence that are inflicted on them. Most of the times they are unaware of what they might have to face or are totally ignorant what they are actually undergoing due to ignorance. Girls are brought up in the society by the fact that being females this is normal adjustment / fate/ system and that they should bear all this and not speak a word, which mostly leads them in a helpless situation and not leading as a happy being.
AM I BEING VICTIMIZED? KNOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. This book is aimed at making the young girls and Women aware of the crimes & Violence that are infl...