Sixteen-year-old Taka Yamabuki, royal by birth but samurai by training, embarks upon her first mission: to deliver important dispatches to the capital. Untested and traveling alone, Yamabuki enters a world that is a vivid tapestry of natural beauty, unusual characters, unexpected friendships, and indiscriminate brutality and violence. But unbeknown to her, a ninja assassin is on her trail. And before she knows it, her life hangs in the balance. A lyrical tale of adventure, young love, and self-discovery, Cold Blood brings alive the experience of a young woman warrior in 12th-century...
Sixteen-year-old Taka Yamabuki, royal by birth but samurai by training, embarks upon her first mission: to deliver important dispatches to the capi...
In 12th-century Japan, Yamabuki, a female samurai 17 years old, travels deep into the Oku wilderness.
Along a lonely road, at a forgotten inn, she seeks shelter, warm food, and cold sake.
But as darkness falls, she ends up fighting for her life . . . and she finds that there are terrible things under heaven that no weapon can vanquish, and that her only way to survive is to heal that which cannot be healed.
Not all vengeance is exacted by the living.
In 12th-century Japan, Yamabuki, a female samurai 17 years old, travels deep into the Oku wilder...
Ancient Japan: a medieval land of stunning beauty and unspeakable brutality... In a grand bid to preserve the royal bloodline, warlord General Moroto has personally trained Yamabuki, his daughter and last surviving child, in the art of war and rulership. Not-yet seventeen years old, Yamabuki travels in the guise of an ordinary samurai, heading for the capital carrying secret dispatches in her first real-world test. However, rival factions send ninja to make sure she never gets there alive. In a lawless town Yamabuki encounters the young warlord Yoshinaka. Handsome and charismatic, he vows to...
Ancient Japan: a medieval land of stunning beauty and unspeakable brutality... In a grand bid to preserve the royal bloodline, warlord General Moroto ...
Ancient Japan: a medieval land of stunning beauty and unspeakable brutality...
In a grand bid to preserve the royal bloodline, the warlord, General Moroto has personally trained his daughter and last surviving child, Yamabuki, in the art of war and rulership. Not-yet seventeen years old, Yamabuki travels in the guise of an ordinary samurai, heading for the capital carrying secret dispatches in her first real-world test.
However, rival factions send ninja to make sure she never gets there alive. In a lawless town Yamabuki encounters the young warlord Yoshinaka. Handsome and...
Ancient Japan: a medieval land of stunning beauty and unspeakable brutality...
In a grand bid to preserve the royal bloodline, the warlord, ...
In 12th-century Japan, Yamabuki, a woman samurai 17 years old, travels deep into the Oku wilderness.
Along a lonely road, at a forgotten inn, she seeks shelter, warm food, and cold saké.
But as darkness falls, she ends up fighting for her life . . . and she finds that there are terrible things under heaven that no weapon can vanquish, and that her only way to survive is to heal that which cannot be healed.