Peter Vulk, a man of science, meets a certain Mr. Selcuri. Selcuri, a rather interesting and in a way mysterious individual, explained to Vulk that the image of the reality which surrounds us, the one we receive through our senses, is incomplete. What we perceive is only a part of the real picture, which, for some reason, we are unable to comprehend in its entirety. If it weren't for some specific details, Vulk would have now thought that the man had certain issues. But the details were there, one of them was the magazine in Selcuri's bag. It was the magazine with Vulk's article, the one that...
Peter Vulk, a man of science, meets a certain Mr. Selcuri. Selcuri, a rather interesting and in a way mysterious individual, explained to Vulk that th...
Petar Vulk, covek od nauke, upoznaje izvesnog gospodina Selcurija. Selcuri, osoba krajnje zanimljiva ali i ne manje zagonetna, objasnjava Vulku da je predstava stvarnosti koja nas okruzuje, predstava koju dobijamo preko svojih cula, nepotpuna. Ono sto vidimo samo je deo stvarne slike, koju iz nekog razloga ne umemo da sagledamo u celosti. Da nije nekih narocitih pojedinosti, Vulk bi ovde morao pomisliti da sa njegovim sagovornikom nesto nije u redu. Ali pojedinosti postoje, jedna od njih je casopis u Selcurijevoj torbi. Rec je o casopisu sa Vulkovim clankom, koji je Selcuri nesto ranije...
Petar Vulk, covek od nauke, upoznaje izvesnog gospodina Selcurija. Selcuri, osoba krajnje zanimljiva ali i ne manje zagonetna, objasnjava Vulku da je ...