See the Little People...Book I, Is Arthur a King? With more rhymes and song and a new illustration A magical tale that can be used as an introduction to natural law, "See the Little People...An Enchanting Adventure," introduces children to the realms of fairy that inspire us to use the tools we have within us to create Joy even in our darkest hour. A family of elemental spirits we call the Little People live in the hollow of a tree. Join them and their friends as they venture us through the shadows of Snagwood Thicket and the magical kingdom of nature when they encounter a human boy lost...
See the Little People...Book I, Is Arthur a King? With more rhymes and song and a new illustration A magical tale that can be used as an introduct...
"The Little People Journey into the Mystic Sea," Book II, My Name is Junia, explores the bonds of family, friendship and how we can make a difference on our planet. Trinity and her imaginary friend Ellarie disappear through a gap in the fog. A girl named Junia lives along the coast and loses her way when she finds a magical bracelet. Worlds collide and the unreal becomes real as we journey through the elemental kingdom of earth, air, fire and water. You will meet Willard the sea turtle who comes to Junia's aid and travel to a mystical ocean city. The Fairy Cup is stolen and a Governor...
"The Little People Journey into the Mystic Sea," Book II, My Name is Junia, explores the bonds of family, friendship and how we can make a differen...