After being driven from their farms, their homes and their beloved Ireland by draconian laws imposed by the English Crown, religious persecution and failure of their potato crops, these fictitious Irish families face one challenge after another, during the voyage, demonstrating their resiliency, willingness to make a new start and their deep faith as they travel by sailing ship through storms and unhealthy conditions aboard ship from the port of Derry in the north of Ireland to America in the fall of 1851. A spy of the Crown threatens to make a bad trip even worse. Guardian angels watch over...
After being driven from their farms, their homes and their beloved Ireland by draconian laws imposed by the English Crown, religious persecution and f...
High Hopes and Dreams begins where On the High Seas ends. It's the first week of November, 1851, and the ship carrying the O'Donnell family, and about 120 Irish immigrants, have braved the two-month voyage from Derry, Ireland. The ship has entered its final leg - traversing the Chesapeake Bay and landing at a wharf in Baltimore. Uncharacteristically cold weather has stifled most commerce and life in general, limiting nearly all outdoor movement and postponing the high hopes and dreams of the immigrant families. The newly extended O'Donnell family is offered lodging as welcomed guests of the...
High Hopes and Dreams begins where On the High Seas ends. It's the first week of November, 1851, and the ship carrying the O'Donnell family, and about...