The year is 2065. Following a freak encounter with an extraordinary stranger, Brian, a bored and frustrated dentist in the midst of a personal crisis, finds himself in a position to expose a conspiracy to control world population. Fifty-five years earlier, the manipulators - an opaque and mysterious group with aims to influence the course of the world - set in motion an irreversible chain of events by creating genetically engineered prophets with God-like powers who healed the sick and preached self-sacrifice as the ultimate good, redefining humanity's course. Now, betrayed by their ruthless...
The year is 2065. Following a freak encounter with an extraordinary stranger, Brian, a bored and frustrated dentist in the midst of a personal crisis,...
Research on massive stars is undergoing a period of rapid progress, with long-held convictions being shown to be incomplete. While these stars are relatively few in number, they are the main driver of chemical and dynamical evolution in galaxies through their stellar winds and explosive deaths in core-collapse supernovae. Furthermore the impact of massive stars is widely recognized in many areas, as they are often used as tools to interpret the conditions and processes arising in different environments. In parallel, the development of new instrumentation, analysis techniques and dedicated...
Research on massive stars is undergoing a period of rapid progress, with long-held convictions being shown to be incomplete. While these stars are rel...