Nurse Kylie Pendragon has accepted her new life in Thaydon, serving as a medicine woman and witch. But when the wizard Lignoss kidnaps Kylie's brother and uses his Bible to start a dangerous new cult, Kylie must do the unthinkable to prevent the Book of Revelations from coming to pass in the nation of Bromfryel, where the cult has spread like wildfire among the white slaves and a scheming criminal means to kill the black aristocrats, all except herself and her son, that is.
Nurse Kylie Pendragon has accepted her new life in Thaydon, serving as a medicine woman and witch. But when the wizard Lignoss kidnaps Kylie's brother...
Registered nurse Kylie Moriarty is Kylie Pendragon now. She's got her life just the way she finally wants it, back in London with a good career about to begin. And now it's her wedding day, to the boy of her dreams, Morgan Pendragon. But Scott, the son of the warlock Matthew Sheridan, has something to say about the matter. Jealous for Kylie, Scott and Matthew force her to join them in Sheridan's world, turning her from a bride to a widow on her own wedding day. The American superheroes shortly follow her there, attempting to give Kylie a rescue she does not need. For Sheridan has forgotten...
Registered nurse Kylie Moriarty is Kylie Pendragon now. She's got her life just the way she finally wants it, back in London with a good career about ...
When Rex Terra's emperor decides to raze the only forest standing between Rex Terra and the sea, Kylie uses magic to shield the forest. She then flees to Earth, only to encounter Zulieka Tribliuex, the servant of her mortal enemy. Kylie now must both continue to protect the forest, and prevent Zulieka's mad plans.
When Rex Terra's emperor decides to raze the only forest standing between Rex Terra and the sea, Kylie uses magic to shield the forest. She then flees...