1861 - Sixteen year old Joe Roberts leads a mundane life as far as he's concerned. His world spins in the same circle each day: working at his family's store, taking his sisters on boyish escapades and bickering with his rogue of a cousin, Lucas. Joe can't understand why his mother allows Lucas to live and work with them after all the pain he caused their family. When war is declared, Joe is quick to join up and become a soldier with the 11th Pennsylvania Volunteers, but war is nothing like he imagined. To make matters worse, he must endure having Lucas in the same regiment. Can Joe put the...
1861 - Sixteen year old Joe Roberts leads a mundane life as far as he's concerned. His world spins in the same circle each day: working at his family'...
It was never much of an issue for Bess: living contentedly on her family's farm, despite the Depression which loomed around them. But when her older sister Georgiana takes off to New York City to make a fortune and help Papa out, feelings of adventure and wanderlust strike Bess at home. Through their lively letter correspondence, the sisters recount to one another their adventures, surprises, and heartaches, leaving little room for depression. For in a world of such wonder, ain't we got fun?
It was never much of an issue for Bess: living contentedly on her family's farm, despite the Depression which loomed around them. But when her older s...
Munich, Germany 1942-Hans Scholl never intended to get his younger sister involved in an underground resistance. When Sophie Scholl finds out, she insists on joining Hans and his close friends in writing and distributing anti-Nazi leaflets entitled, The White Rose. The young university students call out to the German people, begging them to not allow their consciences to become dormant, but to resist their tyrannical leader and corrupt government. Hans knows the consequences for their actions-execution for committing high treason-but firm in his convictions, he's prepared to lose his life for...
Munich, Germany 1942-Hans Scholl never intended to get his younger sister involved in an underground resistance. When Sophie Scholl finds out, she ins...