This book investigates what 'technology' is, what it helps us to do, and what it forces us to consider about our experience of being in the world. Using e-readers, such as the Kindle and iPad, as a case study, this work argues that the use of technology is more complicated and more human than public discussion often gives it credit for.
This book investigates what 'technology' is, what it helps us to do, and what it forces us to consider about our experience of being in the world. Usi...
Digital Humanities has become one of the new domains of academe at the interface of technological development, epistemological change, and methodological concerns. This volume explores how digital material might be read or utilized in research, whether that material is digitally born as fanfiction, for example, mostly is, or transposed from other sources. The volume asks questions such as what happens when text is transformed from printed into digital matter, and how that impacts on the methods we bring to bear on exploring that technologized matter, for example in the case of digital...
Digital Humanities has become one of the new domains of academe at the interface of technological development, epistemological change, and methodologi...
As all scholars increasingly use digital tools to support their research, and every internet user becomes used to data being available, elucidating, and engaging, the creative aspects of Digital Humanities work are coming under increasing scrutiny. This volume explores the practice of making new tools, new images, new collections, and new artworks in an academic environment, detailing who needs to be involved and what their roles might be, and how they come together to produce knowledge as a collective. The chapters presented here demonstrate that creation is never neutral with political and...
As all scholars increasingly use digital tools to support their research, and every internet user becomes used to data being available, elucidating, a...