The purpose of The Court Reporter's Reference of Commonly Used Words and Phrases is to identify commonly used words and phrases, so that they may be added to your court reporting or realtime dictionary. Part I covers the most commonly used words and phrases found in books, magazines, and newspapers as well as words spoken on TV shows. The 5,000 most frequently used words and 200 commonly used phrases are listed alphabetically and by frequency. Part II contains 300 commonly used legal words and phrases. There is also a listing of 425 commonly used phrases heard in the court room or...
The purpose of The Court Reporter's Reference of Commonly Used Words and Phrases is to identify commonly used words and phrases, so that they may be a...
The Court Reporter's Reference of Realtime (Second Edition) The Court Reporter's Reference of Realtime Conflicts aids court and realtime reporters with finding conflicts in their writing. There are three basic types of conflicts: homonyms, stenonyms, and word-boundary conflicts. Homonyms are words that sound the same but are spelled differently: to, too, and two. Stenonyms are words or phrases that might use the same steno outline: "tot" and "to the." Word-boundary conflicts are similar stenonyms. When the same steno outline is used for a prefix, a word, a word part, or a suffix, conflicts...
The Court Reporter's Reference of Realtime (Second Edition) The Court Reporter's Reference of Realtime Conflicts aids court and realtime reporters wit...
The purpose of The Court Reporter's Reference of Commonly Used Words and Phrases is to identify commonly used words and phrases, so that they may be added to your court reporting or realtime dictionary. Part I covers the most commonly used words and phrases found in books, magazines, and newspapers as well as words spoken on TV shows. The 11,000 most frequently used words and 200 commonly used phrases are listed alphabetically and by frequency. Part II contains 300 commonly used legal words and phrases. There is also a listing of 425 commonly used phrases heard in the court room or...
The purpose of The Court Reporter's Reference of Commonly Used Words and Phrases is to identify commonly used words and phrases, so that they may be a...
Shorthand dates back to the Romans. Modern shorthand dates to John Willis' 1602 "Art of Stenographie." Over the next 150 years, many authors improved the art of shorthand including Edmond Willis, Thomas Shelton, Jeremiah Rich, William Mason, Thomas Gurney, John Byrom, and Samuel Taylor. The pinnacle of shorthand improvement occurred in the late 1800s with Sir Isaac Pitman's 1837 "Phonography" and Dr. John Robert Gregg's 1888 "Gregg Shorthand." This work reviews the influential shorthand authors and their systems since 1602.
Shorthand dates back to the Romans. Modern shorthand dates to John Willis' 1602 "Art of Stenographie." Over the next 150 years, many authors improved ...