Mify o drevnih bogah i prekrasnyh nimfah, slozhenie tysyachi let nazad, maniat, zacharovyvaiut svoey tainstvennostiu, sverhiestestvennoy siloy i velikolepiem, po sey den' vizivaia zhelanie vernut'sya v te vremena. Lyudi prinimaiut eti istorii za skazki. Odnako eto ne sovsem tak. Antichnie bogi suschestvuyut, hotia my i ne mozhem videt' ih i slyshat' ih golosa. No u bogov yest' svoi izbranniki, s pomoschyu kotoryh oni mogut upravlyat' etim mirom, voploshchaya svoi idei v lyudyah.
Mify o drevnih bogah i prekrasnyh nimfah, slozhenie tysyachi let nazad, maniat, zacharovyvaiut svoey tainstvennostiu, sverhiestestvennoy siloy i velik...
K komu iz nas v nashikh detskikh snakh ne priletali volshebnyye fei, chtoby unesti nas za tridevyat' zemel' v skazochnyye strany? Vot i k devochke Dashe odnazhdy v gosti zaletela sovershenno obyknovennaya feya, no ne dlya togo chtoby pozabavit' yeye udivitel'nymi istoriyami, a chtoby poprosit' o pomoshchi...
K komu iz nas v nashikh detskikh snakh ne priletali volshebnyye fei, chtoby unesti nas za tridevyat' zemel' v skazochnyye strany? Vot i k devochke Das...
Volshebnaya pletka - eto ochen' uvlekatel'naya povest'-skazka ob udivitel'nom priklyucheniye devochki Dashi i yeye brata Ivana v Volshebnoy Strane. Ob ikh neobychnom puteshestvii cherez Dremuchiy les, zakoldovannoye Klubnichnoye Pole i Snezhnuyu Goru. I o tom kak smelost' i nakhodchivost' glavnykh geroyev pomogli raskoldovat' Prekrasnuyu Printsessu i tem samym spasti vse ikh korolevstvo ot vlastvovavshey tam zloy Koldun'i.
Volshebnaya pletka - eto ochen' uvlekatel'naya povest'-skazka ob udivitel'nom priklyucheniye devochki Dashi i yeye brata Ivana v Volshebnoy Strane. Ob...
Chto mozhet byt' priyatney vkusa domashney vypechki? V knige "Domashnyaya vypechka" vy naydete prostyye i udivitel'nyye retsepty drozhzhevoy i bezdrozhzhevoy vypechki. Kniga napisana prostym i dostupnym yazykom i soderzhit poshagovyye illyustratsii i sovety ot avtora.
Chto mozhet byt' priyatney vkusa domashney vypechki? V knige "Domashnyaya vypechka" vy naydete prostyye i udivitel'nyye retsepty drozhzhevoy i bezdroz...
"A flock of goldfish" ("Stayka zolotykh rybok") Student construction brigades of the early 90's. What do we know about them? First of all, it's a school of life, of friendship and responsibility where young people grew up, became stronger and developed their best human qualities. But also, it was a wonderful time for love and expressing romantic feelings. It was then, in the distant 90's, Alina, a University student of a small Siberian town, became the leader of the female construction team "Ermita." Alina and her team were sent to a small northern Siberian village, for the construction of a...
"A flock of goldfish" ("Stayka zolotykh rybok") Student construction brigades of the early 90's. What do we know about them? First of all, it's a scho...
Magic Whip A fairy-tale novel about a small girl called Dasha, her brother Ivan and their amazing adventure in the Country of Magic. Join them on their incredible journey through the Enchanted Forest, the lively Strawberry Field and the mysterious Snow-White Mountain. Discover how their braveness and inventiveness helped to save the beautiful Princess and rid the Magical Kingdom of the Evil Witch.
Magic Whip A fairy-tale novel about a small girl called Dasha, her brother Ivan and their amazing adventure in the Country of Magic. Join them on thei...
What can be more entertaining and delicious, than the process of preparing a variety of meals in your own house? In the book -Homemade Cooking- you can find simple and amazing recipes. The book is written in a easy-to-understand language and contains step-by-step illustrations and advices from the author.
What can be more entertaining and delicious, than the process of preparing a variety of meals in your own house? In the book -Homemade Cooking- you ca...