Through a clear explanation of her own challenges, Dr. Dee offers a comprehensive look into this arena of forgiveness, Along with an investigative study of Biblical characters. As you read expect to be challenged and your life to change.
Through a clear explanation of her own challenges, Dr. Dee offers a comprehensive look into this arena of forgiveness, Along with an investigative stu...
Forgiveness is very essential to the wellbeing of your life. It may even be times when it seems hard to get past how someone has treated you or hurt you. But if you want to move forward, you must make a conscious decision to Forgive, Pardon, and Release your offenders. When you refuse to forgive and hold on to the offence, it does absolutely nothing to your offenders. Unforgiveness ONLY Poisons You, Paralyzes You and it keeps God from Blessing You. Must of all, according to Matthew 6:15, "If you don't forgive others of their sins, God will not forgive you of your sins." In this book Dr. Dee...
Forgiveness is very essential to the wellbeing of your life. It may even be times when it seems hard to get past how someone has treated you or hurt y...