The 2000 Dakar framework for education for all emphasized the importance of adult and continuing education. Goals two and three stressed on the importance of learning needs of all young people and adults to met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life-skills programs and continuing education for all adults. UN member states ratified the resolutions. Kenya had to formulate policies to promote adult and continuing education.This led to teachers' engagement in adult and literacy programmes. This study has surveyed factors that influence teachers in engaging in adult and...
The 2000 Dakar framework for education for all emphasized the importance of adult and continuing education. Goals two and three stressed on the import...
Shorthand is a system of rapid handwriting using symbols to represent words, phrases and letter. It is used for secretarial services.Kenya uses the Pitman version of shorthand.Kenya national examinations council(KNEC) has incorporated shorthand as one of the examinations it administers.KNEC has decried performance in shorthand.This book examines factors that influence performance of shorthand examinations. It is a guide to secretaries and policy implementers on on performance in Pitman shorthand
Shorthand is a system of rapid handwriting using symbols to represent words, phrases and letter. It is used for secretarial services.Kenya uses the Pi...