On the first day of heart evaluation school a little girl sat down next to Triportia and said, -why is your heart life set so low?- Triportia was only five years old, she didn't really understand that she was different, her happy heart was set at thirty-two, but the other little girl's heart was set for seventy-eight. Her teacher, Dryad Juglans pulled her aside after class and shared a bowl of walnuts with her that they shelled and ate together slowly. He helped her understand the cycle of life, just as the cycle of a walnut moves from fruit to sprout to tree. Not all walnuts become trees,...
On the first day of heart evaluation school a little girl sat down next to Triportia and said, -why is your heart life set so low?- Triportia was only...
In a galaxy far away, there is a disturbance. Caepe's neighbors have unwittingly allowed an imbalance that threatens to disrupt the GECA harmonic cluster. On Caepe a young dryad begins school in Amaugata and begins to learn about the dangers associated with her home tree, the sugar maple. Triportia joins the Amaugata community and begins her career as Bgiodess. The good folks of Caepe continue their lives unawares of the interplanetary threat. Will the wise and swift actions of the Wollembis Nobilis be in time to save Caepe?
In a galaxy far away, there is a disturbance. Caepe's neighbors have unwittingly allowed an imbalance that threatens to disrupt the GECA harmonic clus...