"The God Diagnosis" is the unique journey of a successful surgeon who finds the fulfillment of all his life dreams empty, lonely, and depressing. Embarking on a quest for truth and the answers to life's basic questions, Dr. Viehman finds himself at the epicenter of the most mind blowing diagnosis of his life. Hindi Version." *** "निदान हैं ईश्वर" एक सफल शल्य चिकित्सक की...
"The God Diagnosis" is the unique journey of a successful surgeon who finds the fulfillment of all his life dreams empty, lonely, and depressing. Emba...
Full Color The Abundant Life is a powerful 10 week Bible study designed for personal or group use that clearly demonstrates how to enjoy an abundant and fruitful relationship with the true and living God. In John 10:10 Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." What did Jesus mean? What is the abundant life that God wants His children to have? How do we experience the abundant life that Jesus came to provide? This study will examine the abundant life according to Scripture. It is written for all Christians to ensure they are experiencing...
Full Color The Abundant Life is a powerful 10 week Bible study designed for personal or group use that clearly demonstrates how to enjoy an abundant ...