This is the first book of a wacky series that secretly discourages BULLYING, encourages LOVE and revolves around the adventurous daily life of a six year old girl named Relle and her best friend, an orange elephant, named Ellis. The two of them live in the town of Rayville with Relle's Grandma Cherry. She wants them to accompany her on daily errands, but she is forgetful and has to go back to get something everytime. While Grandma is away the fun begins for Relle and Ellis. Whether it is summer, fall, winter or spring these are adventures you don't want to miss.
This is the first book of a wacky series that secretly discourages BULLYING, encourages LOVE and revolves around the adventurous daily life of a si...
Relle and Ellis are back at it again. This time they visit the Rayville Aquarium. Brace yourself and grab your umbrella because you never know what may happen
Relle and Ellis are back at it again. This time they visit the Rayville Aquarium. Brace yourself and grab your umbrella because you never know what ma...
Today Relle and Ellis decide to relax inside Grandma Cherry's house. Seems like it should be a calm day. Hold on because with these two, you just never know what's going to happen next
Today Relle and Ellis decide to relax inside Grandma Cherry's house. Seems like it should be a calm day. Hold on because with these two, you just neve...