This book traces the Sabbath day from the first day of creation to the present day. It examines what the Scriptures have to say about this unique day that was set apart from all other days. This is a must read for anyone interested in the Bible. It reveals the traditions that have developed by men essentially relegating the Sabbath day to the religion of Judaism while Christianity has allegedly changed their sabbath to Sunday. Learn the error of these traditions and the importance of the Sabbath as a sign for all those who desire to enter into a Covenant relationship with the One Who created...
This book traces the Sabbath day from the first day of creation to the present day. It examines what the Scriptures have to say about this unique day ...
This book discusses the Name of the Creator of the Universe as detailed in the Hebrew Scriptures. It reveals both the Name of the Father and the Son that have been hidden and distorted from people through traditions of men and religions. This easy to read book provides a historical analysis of the importance of names and the need to restore the Names of the Father and the Son.
This book discusses the Name of the Creator of the Universe as detailed in the Hebrew Scriptures. It reveals both the Name of the Father and the Son t...
The Messiah is book number 5 in the highly acclaimed Walk in the Light Series. It provides a groundbreaking Scriptural and historical examination of the purpose and identity of the Messiah. This book breaks the mold of most religious paradigms and provides a fresh review of a very controversial and confusing subject. The author strips away centuries of religious tradition and provides an honest critique of the way mainstream religions have handled the most important subject of The Messiah.
The Messiah is book number 5 in the highly acclaimed Walk in the Light Series. It provides a groundbreaking Scriptural and historical examination of t...
This book examines traditional religious holidays in the light of the Scriptural Appointed Times, often erroneously referred to as Jewish Holidays. This book reveals that many popular religious holidays actually derive from Babylonian sun worship. The reader is encouraged to understand and recognize how the Appointed Times are relevant and critical to anyone desirous of entering into a Covenant relationship with the Creator. It also examines the proper calendar in which those Appointed Times occur. This book is a part of the Walk in the Light series and an invaluable companion to The...
This book examines traditional religious holidays in the light of the Scriptural Appointed Times, often erroneously referred to as Jewish Holidays. Th...
This groundbreaking book examines the most intriguing subject of our time - the end of the age and the coming of the Messiah. Explore history from the beginning of time to the present day from a perspective rarely taught or understood. This book sheds new light on the Scriptures and prophecy enabling the reader to see the future with greater understanding and clarity.
This groundbreaking book examines the most intriguing subject of our time - the end of the age and the coming of the Messiah. Explore history from the...
This book is an introduction to the highly acclaimed Walk in the Light series. It is densely packed with information and footnotes in a highly readable and very manageable format for the individual unfamiliar with the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith. This small book is perfect as an introduction to the subject and a primer for any person interested in reading and studying the other books in the Walk in the Light series.
This book is an introduction to the highly acclaimed Walk in the Light series. It is densely packed with information and footnotes in a highly readabl...
Covenants is Volume 4 in the highly acclaimed Walk in the Light series although it is not necessary to have read any of the other books in the series as each book stands alone. This book focuses on the Covenants described in the Bible and examines the ancient Hebrew Script. Covenants reveals how the religions of Judaism and Christianity have fractured and confused the very Scriptures that actually describe one fluid Covenant moving through the cycles of time toward one end - the Restoration of Creation. This is a must read for anyone interested in the truth contained in the Bible. It is an...
Covenants is Volume 4 in the highly acclaimed Walk in the Light series although it is not necessary to have read any of the other books in the series ...
Todd D. Bennett takes a fresh look at the way the Creator has communicated with Creation throughout time. This eye opening study explores thousands of years of Christian and Jewish tradition concerning the Scriptures. The origins of the texts and the historical process of compiling the Bible are examined. Throughout this book, the importance of reading and studying the Scriptures in the ancient Hebrew language is demonstrated and emphasized.
Todd D. Bennett takes a fresh look at the way the Creator has communicated with Creation throughout time. This eye opening study explores thousands of...
This is a critical book for all those who believe in the Messiah and look to Him for their salvation. Traditions and religions have distorted His teachings and message and led many astray from the true path to salvation found in the Scriptural Covenant. This is a must read for every Christian or person interested in converting to Christianity. Salvation is the reason why many people look to Christianity but it is important to understand how salvation was presented through the Scriptures and the Messiah. It is much more than a simple prayer or an internal decision. While no man can earn...
This is a critical book for all those who believe in the Messiah and look to Him for their salvation. Traditions and religions have distorted His teac...
Todd D. Bennett explora miles de anos de tradicion cristiana y de la Escritura para responder preguntas que han plagado a la iglesia durante siglos sobre el dia de Shabat. Este increible y bien documentado recurso lo hara cuestionar sus propias creencias arraigadas acerca del dia de descanso. Refutando los argumentos que apoyan la creencia de la iglesia moderna acerca del Shabat, esta obra verdaderamente marcara el paso o el futuro estudio sobre el tema. Examine usted mismo toda la evidencia que causo que el autor se cuestionara y alterara algunas de sus creencias heredadas desde hace mucho...
Todd D. Bennett explora miles de anos de tradicion cristiana y de la Escritura para responder preguntas que han plagado a la iglesia durante siglos so...