I wrote this book to address the rampant epidemic of Male Baggage. While our society has varied and diverse correlations to the expression 'Male Baggage, ' let's agree that its general concern is with unresolved issues of an emotional nature. Oftentimes, this emotional baggage proves to be detrimental to any relationship. Visually speaking, male baggage looks like a man carrying all the disappointments, wrongs and trauma of the past, thus creating a heavy load on the mind, body, and spirit. The purpose of this book is to expose the delusional forms of how this damaging baggage appears in...
I wrote this book to address the rampant epidemic of Male Baggage. While our society has varied and diverse correlations to the expression 'Male Bagga...
Relationships with women are one of the first things that all of us take for granted. We don't want to take it for granted. However, we forget how much something really matters to us when we don't stand to lose it. It usually takes losing something to realize its importance and value. Wondering what the big problems in a relationship are, and what you can do to overcome the problems in a relationship are very important. Depending on the kind of relationship you share with your partner, the problems in a relationship too could be just as unique. At some point or the other, these problems have...
Relationships with women are one of the first things that all of us take for granted. We don't want to take it for granted. However, we forget how muc...