Archaeology, time travel, and a moose hunt combine to force 12-year-old Greg to face his fears and find his strengths. Greg explores a world that existed more than 3,000 years ago with his new Native American friend Hopelf. While Greg learns about Native American ways of life, how to hunt and fish, and just to survive, he is always searching for a way back home. This new book for young readers allows your child to travel in time with Greg to 1,000 B.C. Greg's wild adventures will excite and enlighten all while telling a rousing story about a young boy's intriguing encounter with Native...
Archaeology, time travel, and a moose hunt combine to force 12-year-old Greg to face his fears and find his strengths. Greg explores a world that e...
Greg is BACK Back in Time in Greg's Second Adventure in Time. As Greg once more time travels, he journeys to our nation's colonial period where he explores our country's new frontier, encounters hostile Indians, meets famous Americans, and helps win the American Revolution The Adventure in Time series for middle-grade readers strives to interest children in our nation's history by providing them with a fun, intimate learning experience through the eyes of another child. Children's Literary Classics awarded Greg's First Adventure in Time its seal of approval in...
Greg is BACK Back in Time in Greg's Second Adventure in Time. As Greg once more time travels, he journeys to our nation's colonial period...