On an otherwise ordinary day, prominent businessman John A. Money's life is thrown into chaos when a quirky donut-eating Angel of Death appears and announces that he's come to take John to the Pearly Gates. With just 24 hours until his departure - John looks at life, his family and his faith through a fresh set of eyes.
On an otherwise ordinary day, prominent businessman John A. Money's life is thrown into chaos when a quirky donut-eating Angel of Death appears and an...
Alan C. Elliott Patricia K. Summey Gayla Brooks Kokel
An advertisement heralded, "Oak Cliff gets its name from the massive oaks that crown the soft green cliffs." Originally called Hord's Ridge for its founder William Henry Hord, the area was purchased by two enterprising developers, Thomas L. Marsalis and John S. Armstrong, and renamed Oak Cliff. Also touted as the "Cambridge of the South," the community flourished until the depression of 1893. The partnership split, and in 1903, the beleaguered Oak Cliff voted itself into the city of Dallas. The area has seen much change over the years, but the physical separation the Trinity River creates...
An advertisement heralded, "Oak Cliff gets its name from the massive oaks that crown the soft green cliffs." Originally called Hord's Ridge for its fo...