NEW, BILINGUAL VERSION SUBJECT: Grandparents/Abuelitos Book Summary: A grandfather proclaims that he is not afraid of anything until a tiny mouse crawls under his shirt and causes a commotion. His grandchildren learn that Grandpa is afraid of something after all, but everyone accepts it in a humorous way.
NEW, BILINGUAL VERSION SUBJECT: Grandparents/Abuelitos Book Summary: A grandfather proclaims that he is not afraid of anything until a tiny mouse craw...
NEW BILINGUAL VERSION SUBJECT: Teasing Book Summary: A young rabbit loves to tease his older brothers. He goes off into the woods by himself and boasts that he's not afraid of anything. One night, he hears the roar of a lion in the house. He runs to tell his brothers, but they ignore him.
NEW BILINGUAL VERSION SUBJECT: Teasing Book Summary: A young rabbit loves to tease his older brothers. He goes off into the woods by himself and boast...
NEW, BILINGUAL VERSION SUBJECT: Acceptance/Aceptacion Book Summary: Rooty Rooster ignores a new chick because he finds him both scary and disgusting. The new chick, a baby Vulture, struggles to win Rooty's heart and once he does, Rooty invites him to join him in a crowing session on top of the barn. Recommended for ages 4-9 Resumen: Un gallo llamado Rooty ignora a un pollito porque lo encuentra aterrador y repugnante. El pollito, un pequeno buitre, lucha por ganarse el corazon de Rooty y cuando lo consigue, Rooty lo invita a que cante con el arriba del techo del granero. Recomendado para...
NEW, BILINGUAL VERSION SUBJECT: Acceptance/Aceptacion Book Summary: Rooty Rooster ignores a new chick because he finds him both scary and disgusting. ...
NEW, BILINGUAL VERSION SUBJECT: Fear of Water/Miedo al Agua Book Summary: Two bear cubs search for food on their own. Molly wants to catch fish but her little brother, Fritz, gives her a hard time because he is afraid of water. Will he ever get over his fear? Recommended for ages 4-9 Resumen: Dos ositos buscan alimentos por su propia cuenta. Molly quiere pescado, pero su hermanito, Fritz, le tiene miedo al agua. Podra superar su miedo? Recomendado para lectores de 4-9 anos
NEW, BILINGUAL VERSION SUBJECT: Fear of Water/Miedo al Agua Book Summary: Two bear cubs search for food on their own. Molly wants to catch fish but he...
SUBJECT: Bullying Book Summary: A young panda arrives on a mountain, ready to munch on fresh bamboo, only to be bullied by a brown bear. The panda stops eating and feels helpless until he tells his big sister about his problem. This book is dedicated to all bullied victims. The message it gives is: "Don't be afraid to ask for help." Recommended for ages 4-9
SUBJECT: Bullying Book Summary: A young panda arrives on a mountain, ready to munch on fresh bamboo, only to be bullied by a brown bear. The panda sto...