This series of six picture books guides children through a range of issues relating to fostering and adoption by focusing on the experiences of a five-year-old girl called Kirsty and her magic doll Billy. Billy talks to Kirsty, explains what is happening to her and explores Kirsty's feelings during her journey from an abusive home to a loving adoptive family. In the series, Billy says... - Book 1 "It's not your fault" explores children's feelings when they are living in neglectful families. - Book 2 "You should be taken care of" covers fears around moving into foster care. -...
This series of six picture books guides children through a range of issues relating to fostering and adoption by focusing on the experiences of a five...
Assessing prospective adoptive parents, foster carers, kinship carers and special guardians is an extremely complex task, and one that happens within a pressurized time frame. Currently, assessments draw substantially on interviews, which can generate a lot of information but little analysis to enable professionals to establish a meaningful understanding of parenting capacity. Children with histories of trauma, loss and hurt need to join families in which parents exhibit the ability to be good at relationships, are able to manage their own stress and bond with the child in their care. Now...
Assessing prospective adoptive parents, foster carers, kinship carers and special guardians is an extremely complex task, and one that happens within ...