This is a story of survival and adventure as a small colony of brown bats flees their home in the face of a severe storm. Fly along with them on one life-defining night that will shockingly change their lives and the lives of future generations to come. Look for future books and more adventures coming soon in The Baseball-Bats series.
This is a story of survival and adventure as a small colony of brown bats flees their home in the face of a severe storm. Fly along with them on one l...
This is a story of survival and adventure as a small colony of brown bats flees their home in the face of a severe storm. Fly along with them on one life-defining night that will shockingly change their lives and the lives of future generations to come. Look for future books and more adventures coming soon in The Baseball-Bats series.
This is a story of survival and adventure as a small colony of brown bats flees their home in the face of a severe storm. Fly along with them on one l...