Reconstruction of craniofaical deformities is a major challenge to oromaxillofacial surgeons. Multiple surgeries are often needed and have to be delayed till the child is older. Postponing the treatment till growth is complete may lead to secondary deformities and psychological problems. Conventional osteotomies require longer hospital stay and are at risk for infection and relapse. Placement of bone graft to correct soft tissue (or) bony defects may lead to donor site morbidity and unpredictable results. Distraction Osteogenesis is a biologic process of new bone formation between the...
Reconstruction of craniofaical deformities is a major challenge to oromaxillofacial surgeons. Multiple surgeries are often needed and have to be delay...
The book " Orthodontic Mini implants" summarizes the concepts in the basic aims, designing, treatment aspects. "ORTHODONTIC ANCHORAGE" is defined as "resistance to unwanted tooth movement" . Anchorage, defined as the ability to resist unwanted reactive tooth movements, can be provided by the orthodontic appliance, but in most cases additional anchorage is required. This additional anchorage has traditionally been provided by adding resistant units, headgear or inter maxillary elastics, resulting in distribution of the reaction forces and reduction of the pressure on the anchor units....
The book " Orthodontic Mini implants" summarizes the concepts in the basic aims, designing, treatment aspects. "ORTHODONTIC ANCHORAGE" is defined as "...