In the dark world of a dystopian future, a lone survivor comes to realise that human annihilation is the Earth's salvation. The date is March 2045, and the world has ended. Ron Denny wakes to this nightmare of futuristic science fiction to discover he is the lone survivor of a cataclysmic event - everybody else is dead. Undaunted by the dark world in which he finds himself, Ron embarks on a dystopian adventure through the ruined countryside, intent on apocalypse survival. Eventually he finds a farmhouse that has access to everything he needs to weather this chilling dystopian future. But he...
In the dark world of a dystopian future, a lone survivor comes to realise that human annihilation is the Earth's salvation. The date is March 2045, an...
A woman alone on the streets of New York City, Emma Clarke is a lonely American girl few options. Kicked out by her family after becoming pregnant to a brutal rapist, the sexual abuse she has suffered makes her unwanted, just another homeless person swallowed by the city. All that changes when she is taken in by a kindly restaurant owner and his wife. Allowed to stay in return for work, Emma starts a new life for herself and her daughter, Rosa, where family relationships are judged by bonds stronger than blood. The family saga is cut short, however, when her benefactors die tragically and...
A woman alone on the streets of New York City, Emma Clarke is a lonely American girl few options. Kicked out by her family after becoming pregnant to ...
This Hollow Earth is a tantalising, multi-genre story that will intrigue you from the very start. Blending fact with fiction and reality with science fiction, this is a unique and compelling read. University lecturer, part-time explorer and ancient civilizations researcher, Alan Tremaine, discovers his great-grandfather's secret journal which sparks a life-changing and daring adventure. Following in his great-grandfather's footsteps, Alan self-funds his personal expedition to the North Pole. His organising efforts come under scrutiny by Lieutenant Forbes of the US Naval Intelligence Service...
This Hollow Earth is a tantalising, multi-genre story that will intrigue you from the very start. Blending fact with fiction and reality with science ...