A play about moral courage, social justice, respect for the environment, history and tradition. "The Massacuraman, engages mythology in its use of the Massacuraman, a feared demon figure who inhabits the Guyanese rivers and creeks. Despite his dreaded reputation, he is, in fact, a protector of the forest environment similar to the role played by Papa Bois of the Eastern Caribbean and Trinidad. The villagers live in fear of the supernatural monster, but his anger is basically provoked by their own monstrous acts and abuses. This is sustained in the plot when the Massacuraman is blamed for the...
A play about moral courage, social justice, respect for the environment, history and tradition. "The Massacuraman, engages mythology in its use of the...
Dr Paloma Mohamed Dr Lester Efebo Wilkinson Barrington Braithwaithe
This is a book of 5 one act plays on modern day themes written for young people. The plays invoke mythological and folk characters from the Caribbean and its Diasporas to weave fascinating dramas about life and coping with life. Each play draws on the myths of one of the ethnic groups in the region. The book contains 2 prizewinning plays. Anansi's Way ( winner of the Guyana prize for Literature) is about how some students use the tactics of Anansi the wily spider God of the Akan peoples to stop a gang in school. Sukanti is a play which examines tradition and the tensions with modern life...
This is a book of 5 one act plays on modern day themes written for young people. The plays invoke mythological and folk characters from the Caribbean ...