Shaking the Tree is the comical, yet dramatic coming-of-age tale of a young boy, Nicholas Havens, who makes a life-long friend in a straight-talking African American laborer named Sooter, while growing up in the hard life of a rural farming community.
Shaking the Tree is the comical, yet dramatic coming-of-age tale of a young boy, Nicholas Havens, who makes a life-long friend in a straight-talking A...
In travel, we go for the escape, the opportunity to get away from it all, and hopefully, to see some wondrous things In nature we see beauty, new life, vibrant colors and many other things that capture our imagination. What better way to capture our adventures than by the use of poetry...
In travel, we go for the escape, the opportunity to get away from it all, and hopefully, to see some wondrous things In nature we see beauty, new lif...
"The Brazilian" follows young Rego Ouliveyra, an ordinary college-age teen, growing up in Brasilia. Rego loved to play soccer and was eager to watch his favorite player, Pele, compete in the 1970 World Cup. But, his life is thrown into a frenzy when a stranger implores him to go on an incredible journey. The stranger entrusts him with a mysterious leather satchel containing an unknown secret. The journey takes Rego on an adventure of a lifetime through South America and across the Atlantic. He encounters many people along the way, both good and bad, in several wonderous and unique locations....
"The Brazilian" follows young Rego Ouliveyra, an ordinary college-age teen, growing up in Brasilia. Rego loved to play soccer and was eager to watch h...