ahhh...the fresh cotton aroma clean linen flapping in the wind dashing back into the house curtains blowing slightly open taking the bowl of cherries picking out the ripest one quickly knotting the stem with her tongue, effortless a challenge of truth or dare dare to escape her romance? - Cherries
ahhh...the fresh cotton aroma clean linen flapping in the wind dashing back into the house curtains blowing slightly open taking the bowl of cherries ...
She met her killer online he promised a romantic evening filled with cocktails and ambience trying to get intimate too quickly she momentarily defended herself A little odd to notice attractiveness in a dead woman's face considering she was strangled and shoved into a suitcase then abandoned in the street - Cut Her Open
She met her killer online he promised a romantic evening filled with cocktails and ambience trying to get intimate too quickly she momentarily defende...