Sorghum is one of the cereal crops grown in most parts of the world for animal feed and human consumption. Its wide range of adaptations makes it to be called a "Camel Crop" and may be a crop for the future especially in drought prone areas as it tends to tolerate water shortage and stress. This booklet highlights some of the effects of nitrogen on sorghum growth, quality and yield. The subject matter covered in this book will help students, farmers and those involved in research to learn more about the influence of various levels of nitrogen on sorghum growth. Dr Cleto Namoobe
Sorghum is one of the cereal crops grown in most parts of the world for animal feed and human consumption. Its wide range of adaptations makes it to b...
The book will serve as a reference document for the researchers working in cropping systems particularly cereal based cropping systems. The experiment consisting of seven treatments was laid out in randomized block Design with five replications. Seed, straw and biological yield of mungbean increased with progressive increase in fertilizer dose. The pooled grain yield was recorded highest in T5 (1291 kg per ha). Highest grain, straw as well as biological yield of wheat was recorded in T5 during both the years. Pooled grain yield was recorded highest in T5 (2950 kg per ha), at par with T7 (2906...
The book will serve as a reference document for the researchers working in cropping systems particularly cereal based cropping systems. The experiment...