The Naranjo Saga: Orange Man, Pumpkin Mountain, and Pueblo Traitor explode in rich drama and death defying survival. In the early 1600s when the first Black slave, Mateo Naranjo, escapes the cruelty of his Spanish Masters, he sets forth a rich dynasty that lasts to this day in the American Southwest. The Naranjo Saga highlights the three pueblo revolts of 1599 OM, 1680 PM, and 1696 PT. After a TV news interview in Santa Fe New Mexico, Candelario offhandedly learned of the Naranjo beginnings. After years of research he then crafted a beautiful American story virtually forgotten in the fabric...
The Naranjo Saga: Orange Man, Pumpkin Mountain, and Pueblo Traitor explode in rich drama and death defying survival. In the early 1600s when the first...