Parenting Yesterday, Parenting Today is also geared towards professionals grappling with the various stages in early childhood development in this day and age, as discussed by some professionals teaching childhood development courses. This can lead to professional development for practitioners seeking continual learning and support in a child's development. This book is also designed to prepare professional practitioners' for work on behalf of children and their families, as well as experiences that could enhance their work. In addition, professionals is reminded of the various parenting...
Parenting Yesterday, Parenting Today is also geared towards professionals grappling with the various stages in early childhood development in this day...
A Student Guide to the Book Parenting Yesterday, Parenting Today gives students a perspective of how radically and quickly society has changed in the past decade and examines the kinds of issues that challenge both them and their parents. It is clear that being a student today comes with very different expectations. What can we do as a society to assist both students and parents to keep morals high and families intact, in the face of ever changing social parameters? The demands of being a student or parent continues to increase in our world. These expectations add to the work for today's...
A Student Guide to the Book Parenting Yesterday, Parenting Today gives students a perspective of how radically and quickly society has changed in the ...
A Student Guide to Enhance K-12, College, Career, Military and Beyond gives students a perspective of how radically and quickly society has changed in the past decade and examines the kinds of issues that challenge both them and their parents. It is clear that being a student today comes with very different expectations. What can we do as a society to assist both students and parents to keep morals high and families intact, in the face of ever changing social parameters? The demands of being a student or parent continues to increase in our world. These expectations add to the work for today's...
A Student Guide to Enhance K-12, College, Career, Military and Beyond gives students a perspective of how radically and quickly society has changed in...