In 2010, young charismatic lawyer Alex Parker takes an innocent walk in the forest with his dog, and stumbles thru a time portal. After arriving twelve thousand years in a hostile future, he falls in love with Mady, who in 1949, also strayed into the open portal and was transported to the future. Alex attempts to return thru the portal with Mady, but at the last second, she slips and falls and Alex goes thru the portal without her. For the next forty years, Alex obsesses over finding a way to find Mady and bring her home. Even as he becomes President of the United States, he fails to bring...
In 2010, young charismatic lawyer Alex Parker takes an innocent walk in the forest with his dog, and stumbles thru a time portal. After arriving twelv...
When a young boy wakes up on the autopsy table, he has no memory of who he is. Then his frequent dreams begin to reveal that he is more than a normal eight-year-old child. Along with the dreams come extraordinary powers that enable him to predict the future and look inside the minds of those around him. However, he has a mission and that mission is endangered by a maniacal religious sect that wants to kill him. In addition, he must navigate the uncharted waters of an emotion called love. He must overcome all his challenges to save humanity from extinction.
When a young boy wakes up on the autopsy table, he has no memory of who he is. Then his frequent dreams begin to reveal that he is more than a normal ...