This little booklet aims to teach you how to read the Celtic ogham characters for the purpose of divination. It is a purely practical instruction manual, intent upon giving you the information you need in order to actually do something and put the principles into practice. As such, all historical or philosophical information is kept to a bare minimum, except that which is absolutely necessary for you to understand what you are doing. The booklet is divided into four sections: What the ogham letters are The meanings of the ogham How to make your own ogham set How to use the ogham for...
This little booklet aims to teach you how to read the Celtic ogham characters for the purpose of divination. It is a purely practical instruction manu...
This little booklet aims to teach you how to conjure spirits and use them to achieve your goals. It is a purely practical instruction manual, intent upon giving you the information you need in order to actually do something and put the principles into practice. As such, all historical or philosophical information is kept to a bare minimum, except that which is absolutely necessary for you to understand what you are doing. The booklet is divided into six sections: What evocation is What spirits are What equipment you will need A breakdown and discussion of the steps of a conjuration ritual A...
This little booklet aims to teach you how to conjure spirits and use them to achieve your goals. It is a purely practical instruction manual, intent u...
The experience of astral travel involves the projection of the consciousness so that it can perceive information from other dimensions / realms of existence. This is usually experienced as if the individual's awareness actually leaves the physical body and explores different realities in a spirit body. This book is intended as a purely practical introduction, which will allow those unfamiliar with astral travel to understand its basics, learn how to 'see' with the astral vision, and undertake some introductory journeys. The reader will then possess the required skills to pursue the practice...
The experience of astral travel involves the projection of the consciousness so that it can perceive information from other dimensions / realms of exi...
A talisman is an object which can be carried or worn, which is decorated with symbols and words focused towards a certain purpose, and which has been magically 'charged' so that it will continually exert a magical influence until that purpose has been brought to pass. A talisman is usually designed to achieve a single specific goal, such as gaining a new job, or being successful in a court case. An amulet is intended for long term use, exerting a sustained influence for an indefinite period of time. It may be to attract good luck, for example, or to offer permanent protection against...
A talisman is an object which can be carried or worn, which is decorated with symbols and words focused towards a certain purpose, and which has been ...
Tarot cards are one of the most popular forms of divination in our age. This booklet makes learning the meaning of the Tarot cards easy. It teaches the key meanings and the patterns which underlie the cards. When these simple base formulae are memorised, they make it easy to cross reference the precise meaning of any individual card instantly, without having to learn all seventy eight individual meanings by rote. The individual meanings are all discussed, of course, to provide context and clarification, but it is the pattern of key principles which is important. This booklet covers the...
Tarot cards are one of the most popular forms of divination in our age. This booklet makes learning the meaning of the Tarot cards easy. It teaches th...
Sex magic is one of the most controversial magical methodologies. It attracts frustrated newcomers to the occult, expecting to have all their lusts fulfilled in steamy orgies. It gives pulpit thumpers something to rant about. It makes for lurid headlines in newspapers with more regard for sales than facts. All of these things just go to show the enormous human fascination with sex. Which is precisely why sexuality and desire can be harnessed for magical ends. Wherever such levels of obsession exist, the magical powerhouse of the subconscious can be readily tapped. That being said, to use such...
Sex magic is one of the most controversial magical methodologies. It attracts frustrated newcomers to the occult, expecting to have all their lusts fu...
Esta pequena guia aspira a ensenarte a leer los caracteres celtas ogham para propositos adivinatorios. Es un manual de instruccion puramente practico, con la intencion de darte la informacion que necesitas con el fin de que realmente pongas los principios en practica. Como tal, toda informacion historica o filosofica es mantenida al minimo, excepto aquella que sea absolutamente necesaria para que entiendas lo que estas haciendo. La guia te instruira en las formas, sonidos y valores del ogham; lo que ellas significan; como hacer y cargar un set y como usarlas para realizar adivinaciones (o,...
Esta pequena guia aspira a ensenarte a leer los caracteres celtas ogham para propositos adivinatorios. Es un manual de instruccion puramente practico,...
Necromancy is the magical art of making contact with the souls of the dead and communing with them in order to obtain information and to ask them questions whose answers they would have known in life. This straightforward, practical guide to necromancy offers guidance on the sollowing subjects: What is Necromancy? What is a Shade? The Magical Link Methods of Necromancy Use of a Ouija Board Bibliomancy Automatic Writing Astral Necromancy Necromancy by Conjuration
Necromancy is the magical art of making contact with the souls of the dead and communing with them in order to obtain information and to ask them ques...
Este librito pretende ensenarte como conjurar espiritus y usarlos para conseguir tus objetivos. Es un manual de instrucciones puramente practico. Su proposito es darte la informacion necesaria con el objetivo de llevarlo a cabo y poner en practica sus principios. Como tal, toda la informacion historica o filosofica es reducida al minimo imprescindible, exceptuando aquello que es totalmente necesario para que entiendas lo que estas haciendo. Se halla dividido en seis secciones: Que es la evocacion Que son los espiritus Que equipo necesitaras Un desglose y descripcion de los pasos de un ritual...
Este librito pretende ensenarte como conjurar espiritus y usarlos para conseguir tus objetivos. Es un manual de instrucciones puramente practico. Su p...