Secession is a fast-paced adventure novel set against the current-day backdrop of a politically divided United States. Zachariah Bass is a young Texas Ranger, struggling to define his role in serving the people of the state's remote western territories. Working a series of heinous crimes, Zach uncovers a dark, treacherous secret - a conspiracy that could alter America's future and result in the secession of Texas. Co-authored by P.A. Troit and bestselling writer Joe Nobody, Secession explores a world where a hopelessly gridlocked government fuels an ever-deepening divide between right and...
Secession is a fast-paced adventure novel set against the current-day backdrop of a politically divided United States. Zachariah Bass is a young Texas...
In book two of Joe Nobody's highly acclaimed series, Secession, the Republic of Texas becomes the target of a diabolical plot hatched by international terrorists. The task of saving the new nation falls on the Texas Rangers. Zach and Sam soon find themselves embroiled in a desperate struggle to unravel the intricate scheme before the Republic is drawn into a multi-front war it cannot win. Secession II: The Flood is a fast-paced tale of the challenges faced by the vulnerable, fledgling democracy. Only the strength of her people and the actions of the two rangers can overcome the treachery and...
In book two of Joe Nobody's highly acclaimed series, Secession, the Republic of Texas becomes the target of a diabolical plot hatched by international...
The Mexican cartels are desperate. Since the secession, their human trafficking business has dwindled while the presence of military units along the border makes smuggling a far less lucrative proposition. Like a pack of starving predators, the massive criminal organizations turn on each other, preparing to unleash a bloodbath unlike any the world has seen. Out of the chaos rises a new leader, a man whose reputation for strategic thinking and meticulous planning is known throughout the underworld. He has a plan to overthrow the government in Mexico City and bring the cartels into a new era of...
The Mexican cartels are desperate. Since the secession, their human trafficking business has dwindled while the presence of military units along the b...