Sortie de la matrice feconde de la culture des peuples de la sylve equatoriale, Lettre a Tita est un concentre de sagesse, qui laisse echapper des informations capitales sur la richesse d'un heritage culturel africain qui se meurt. C'est une sonnette d'alarme a travers laquelle l'auteure fait ressortir, avec dexterite, les cliches de cette Afrique, la grande, pure, traditionnelle et nostalgique, qui se desagrege au benefice de references venues d'ailleurs et au detriment de ses propres valeurs jadis sacrees. Une Afrique prise au piege, devenue l'avatar d'un syncretisme avilissant, au nom...
Sortie de la matrice feconde de la culture des peuples de la sylve equatoriale, Lettre a Tita est un concentre de sagesse, qui laisse echapper des inf...
Fruit de cette Afrique, la grande, pure, traditionnelle et nostalgique, Lettre a Titaest un donne a penser. C'est une investigation profonde qui, nonobstant la simplicite des sujets et illustrations, souleve des debats de l'heure. Ceux d'une Afrique qui semble etre prise au piege, comme a l'epoque coloniale ou celle des independances a la Pyrrhus. C'est une voix qui vrille pour secouer un continent qui traine a aller, avec son substrat culturel, au rendez-vous de la construction planetaire. Le texte presente les habitants de Zilan-village, meurtris par les modeles politiques et economiques...
Fruit de cette Afrique, la grande, pure, traditionnelle et nostalgique, Lettre a Titaest un donne a penser. C'est une investigation profonde qui, nono...
Dr Jeanne Marie Rosette Abou'ou Pr Jacques Fame Ndongo Pr Jacques Philippe Tsal
Coming out of the womb of the culture of the people of the equatorial forest, Letter to Titais a concentrate of wisdom that lets out capital information on the wealth of an African cultural heritage that is dying. It is an alarm bell through which the author brings out, with dexterity, the cliches of this Africa, the great, pure, traditional and nostalgic which is breaking up for the profit of references coming from other places and to the detriment of her own values which were once sacred. A trapped Africa, which has become the avatar of a degrading syncretism in the name of a sacrosanct...
Coming out of the womb of the culture of the people of the equatorial forest, Letter to Titais a concentrate of wisdom that lets out capital informati...
Jeanne Marie Rosette Abou'ou Pr Jacques Fame Ndongo Pr Jacques Philippe Tsal
Fruit of that Africa, the great, the pure, the traditional and the nostalgic, Letter to Titais food for thought. It's a deep investigation which, not with standing the simplicity of subjects and illustrations, raises the debates of the moment. Those of an Africa that seems to be caught in a trap, as during the colonial era or the era of Pyrrhic independence. It's a voice that spins in order to shake a continent which drags on to go, with its cultural substratum, to the appointment of global construction.The text presents the inhabitants of Zila
Fruit of that Africa, the great, the pure, the traditional and the nostalgic, Letter to Titais food for thought. It's a deep investigation which, not ...