The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right (Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique) (1762) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, is the book in which Rousseau theorized about the best way in which to set up a political community in the face of the problems of commercial society which he had already identified in his Discourse on Inequality (1754). The Social Contract helped inspire political reforms or revolutions in Europe, especially in France. The Social Contract argued against the idea that monarchs were divinely empowered to legislate; as Rousseau asserts, only the people, who...
The Social Contract, Or Principles of Political Right (Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique) (1762) by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, is the book...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emil oder Uber die Erziehung
Edition Holzinger. Grossformat, 178 x 254 mm
Berliner Ausgabe, 2015
Vollstandiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger
Emile ou de l'education. Erstdruck: Den Haag recte Paris] 1762. Erste deutsche Ubersetzung von einem Anonymus: Berlin u.a. 1762. Der Text folgt der Ubersetzung durch Hermann Denhardt.
Textgrundlage sind die Ausgaben: Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emil oder Uber die Erziehung. Frei aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt von Hermann Denhardt. Neue Ausgabe, Band 1 und 2, Leipzig:...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emil oder Uber die Erziehung
Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality Among Men
"The Second Discourse"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Translated by Ian Johnston
Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men, also commonly known as the "Second Discourse," is a work by philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Rousseau first exposes in this work his conception of a human state of nature, presented as a philosophical fiction (like by Thomas Hobbes, unlike by John Locke), and of human perfectibility, an early idea of progress. He then explains the way, according to him, people may have established...
Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality Among Men
One of the towering figures of the Enlightenment was Jean Jacques Rousseau, whose works were essential to the ideological developments of the 18th century. The prestige of French literature in the 18th century resides especially in its revolutionary character; while the writers of the previous century used to support the social order through their works and showed sympathy and even attempted to explain the political order of the time, in the 18th century, art, literature, philosophy and science all contribute actively and fiercely to the fight against the absolutist monarch and his regime....
One of the towering figures of the Enlightenment was Jean Jacques Rousseau, whose works were essential to the ideological developments of the 18th cen...
Emile, or On Education or Emile, or Treatise on Education is a treatise on the nature of education and on the nature of man written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who considered it to be the "best and most important of all my writings." Due to a section of the book entitled "Profession of Faith of the Savoyard Vicar," Emile was banned in Paris and Geneva and was publicly burned in 1762, the year of its first publication. During the French Revolution, Emile served as the inspiration for what became a new...
Treatise on Education
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Translated by Barbara Foxley
Emile, or On Education or Emile, or Treatise on Educati...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Kathleen Huber Jerome Martin Schwartz
Rousseau is often called the Father of the Romantic Movement. Here, in one volume, are his four completed plays in lively, sparkling new English translations created for stage performance as well as reading pleasure and study. NARCISSUS (One-act comedy): A young man obsessed with his good looks is tricked into falling in love with a most unlikely subject. PRISONERS OF WAR (One-act comedy): A French soldier held prisoner in Hungary is torn between duty to his country and his love for the daughter of an enemy. THE RECKLESS WAGER (Three-act comedy): A young widow, determined never to marry...
Rousseau is often called the Father of the Romantic Movement. Here, in one volume, are his four completed plays in lively, sparkling new English trans...
El contrato social: o los principios del derecho politico, mas conocido como El contrato socia. Es una obra sobre filosofia politica y trata principalmente sobre la libertad e igualdad de los hombres bajo un Estado instituido por medio de un contrato social. Se dice que este libro fue uno de los muchos incitadores de la Revolucion francesa por sus ideas politicas. Bajo la teoria del contrato social se fundamenta buena parte de la filosofia liberal, en especial el liberalismo clasico por su vision filosofica del individuo como fundamental, que luego decide vivir en sociedad por lo que necesita...
El contrato social: o los principios del derecho politico, mas conocido como El contrato socia. Es una obra sobre filosofia politica y trata principal...