In their second journey to the Circle of Worlds the three children; known as the tri-prophets of power, find themselves forced into competing in a legendary canoe race known as the Vaka Eiva, after it is incited by King Tai's wife to be. The rules include finding newly hidden or ancient items in the Circle of Worlds before the Shadow hour on the sixth day. And what incredible items they are In an attempt to thwart the siblings from finishing the race with all the requested items, the three evil witches enlist the help of a family of maleficent creatures including Katikati and the sun gemmed...
In their second journey to the Circle of Worlds the three children; known as the tri-prophets of power, find themselves forced into competing in a leg...
In their second journey to the Circle of Worlds the three children; known as the tri-prophets of power, find themselves forced into competing in a legendary canoe race known as the Vaka Eiva, after it is incited by King Tai's wife to be. The rules include finding newly hidden or ancient items in the Circle of Worlds before the Shadow hour on the sixth day. And what incredible items they are In an attempt to thwart the siblings from finishing the race with all the requested items, the three evil witches enlist the help of a family of maleficent creatures including Katikati and the sun gemmed...
In their second journey to the Circle of Worlds the three children; known as the tri-prophets of power, find themselves forced into competing in a leg...