"Travel Insurance is a waste of money, it's not worth the paper it's written on." He said. "I don't need to make a will, I'm only fifty-three." He said. Kayla receives a devastating phone call to tell her that her dad, Mark, has passed away, he was on holiday at the time. She thinks things will be easy. Fly his body home, sort out his assets and then move on. What she wasn't expecting was the cost. Kayla's heart is too soft, she couldn't live with herself if she left his body out in Fuerteventura to rot in a morgue. Beside Kayla feels like she owes it to him to return a favour he did for her....
"Travel Insurance is a waste of money, it's not worth the paper it's written on." He said. "I don't need to make a will, I'm only fifty-three." He sai...