Increasing interest in the study of coordinated activity of brain cell ensembles reflects the current conceptualization of brain information processing and cognition. It is thought that cognitive processes involve not only serial stages of sensory signal processing, but also massive parallel information processing circuitries, and therefore it is the coordinated activity of neuronal networks of brains that give rise to cognition and consciousness in general. While the concepts and techniques to measure synchronization are relatively well characterized and developed in the mathematics and...
Increasing interest in the study of coordinated activity of brain cell ensembles reflects the current conceptualization of brain information proces...
He worked as a senior scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and was Professor at the University of Toronto, where he taught a graduate course on consciousness and self-awareness, which derived in part from his book The Brain-Behaviour Continuum (World Scientific).
He worked as a senior scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and was Professor at the University of Toronto, where he taught a graduat...