Dorogoy Chitatel' Etot trud dlya Cheloveka Budushchego i posvyashchen Algoritmam Nauki Gryadushchego. Eto podgotovlennaya k zashchite doktorskaya dissertatsiya, no kotoruyu zashchitit' poka ne predstavlyaetsya vozmozhnost' ibo ne sozdany takie Uchenye Sovety. Ikh eshche predstoit sozdat'. Po suti, eta kniga - publichnaya zashchita dissertatsii. V knige primenen novyy metod, nazvannyy sinteticheskim, kotoryy poka v sovremennoy nauke na nashel priznaniya, no korni ego ukhodyat v seduyu starinu. Chitat' ee sleduet yazykom serdtsa. Etot metod primenen k pedagogike, filosofii, energetike,...
Dorogoy Chitatel' Etot trud dlya Cheloveka Budushchego i posvyashchen Algoritmam Nauki Gryadushchego. Eto podgotovlennaya k zashchite doktorskaya dis...
The book is the collection of papers that have the common idea of understanding of the synthesis of the universal physical and spiritual laws which have not been formalized so far but which the mankind uses through the science, religion and art united by the concept of Culture. It is just a small brick of the building of the commanded synthesis about which Patriarch Kirill dreams and Metaknowledge says (Agni Yoga, Theosophy and Temple of the People). It is the noospheric area the discovery of the roots of which might take millenniums. The Chinese say that any long way starts with a small step...
The book is the collection of papers that have the common idea of understanding of the synthesis of the universal physical and spiritual laws which ha...