Welcome to Pugville Corners Pugville could be Anytown, USA. With some differences. First of all, Pugville moves a little Slower. Easygoing, Relaxed, and Carefree. A Throwback to Yesteryear. When Life seemed Kinder and Gentler. Simpler, more Hospitable, and more Enjoyable. Secondly, Pugville residents Like one another. Talk and Socialize with one another. Friendlier towards one another. Care for one another. Lastly, Pugville residents are all Pugs. Well, most of them anyway. This is their story. In particular, this is the story of Millie The Pug. A most exceptional Pugville resident and her...
Welcome to Pugville Corners Pugville could be Anytown, USA. With some differences. First of all, Pugville moves a little Slower. Easygoing, Relaxed, ...