The majority of the analog designers try to solve the problems of the analog circuits or even the digital circuits like the delay, power consumption and circuit size and complexity by proposing new circuit implementations. These designers depend on the approximations in their early stages of the design phases to obtain integer values for the results which can be implemented by their ideas. Usually these approximations affect everything in the circuit like the system budget analysis resulted in a filter of order 3.6, the designers will approximate this order to 4 to be able to implement it. On...
The majority of the analog designers try to solve the problems of the analog circuits or even the digital circuits like the delay, power consumption a...
G. Radwan Ahmed Abd-El-Hafiz Salwa H. Abdelhaleem Sherif
This book introduces seven new encryption designs based on different methodologies such as: chaotic differential equations of integer and fractional-orders, nonlinear generalized chaotic maps, fractal geometry, mixing between the generalized Fiestel network and the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR), and also a new encryption system based on the chess-based horse-move to generate the permutation matrix. Many standard images are discussed and evaluated using the international measures such as NIST."
This book introduces seven new encryption designs based on different methodologies such as: chaotic differential equations of integer and fractional-o...