This is a Christian Literature that is inspired to expire the sin against the Holy Spirit. This book is written out of an extraordinary encounter with Christ Jesus. Sin is Satan inherited nature which manifests as rebelling against the government of Yahweh. Having this infernal disorderliness ravages the status quo of working and walking with God. In this book, through the instructions of the Holy Spirit we discovered the dirtiest offense against the Spirit of God. Most often, too many Christians do ask themselves, what could be this sin that is capable of grieving God to the extent that He...
This is a Christian Literature that is inspired to expire the sin against the Holy Spirit. This book is written out of an extraordinary encounter with...
This is all about how a dead man does pray to the Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ is pleased with such man more than the living men who are active in themselves. To be a Christian is a dead man's affairs. No man is living in himself is worthy of the kingdom of God. Living man is an enemy of the Gospel of Light. A natural man lives all his days to please himself except he accidentally jams the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and died, he cannot be enlisted into the common wealth of God's kingdom.
This is all about how a dead man does pray to the Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ is pleased with such man more than the living men who are active in themsel...
Quand la tricherie et la corruption s'installent comme valeurs de reference a l'universite, la nation et son futur sont sacrifies. Cette piece theatrale, aux personnages haut en couleur, nous conduit dans les labyrinthes de l'Universite ou les bons et mauvais enseignants, cotoient les etudiants dont la volonte de reussir, par tous les moyens, depasse de loin la discipline et le travail. Heureusement, dans le theatre de Waliya, ou on joue vrai, chacun ne peut recolter que ce qu'il a seme."
Quand la tricherie et la corruption s'installent comme valeurs de reference a l'universite, la nation et son futur sont sacrifies. Cette piece theatra...