Seven white dragons begin to set the entire world on fire. A bleak, apocalyptic account of end-of-the-world devastation, as told from the mind of Carol Ann Oppenheimer, a wealthy suburban mother of twenty one year old daughter Meadow Oppenheimer. Carol Ann's somber, revealing account is a tragedy of unspeakable truth exposed, and deep, simple turmoil uncovered. Hidden in their wealthy suburb south of Richmond, Virginia, Carol Ann and Meadow are bound by generations of mother daughter perversion, holding them captive in a private life that can never be discussed among their peers. Carol...
Seven white dragons begin to set the entire world on fire. A bleak, apocalyptic account of end-of-the-world devastation, as told from the mind of Caro...
An abused woman is the greatest composer who ever lived. The eleventh book of prose and poetry from the mind of a woman named Carmen Angelina Coletti, a prodigy who was taken out of school when she was twelve years old and isolated from the world. Her simple, honest voice remains the picture of a young and reclusive country wife. Abused since early childhood, her music is her refuge, with a gift for composition so complete that she is likely the world's first female great composer, some believing her to be the most gifted composer of all time. Conceived and written for her own private...
An abused woman is the greatest composer who ever lived. The eleventh book of prose and poetry from the mind of a woman named Carmen Angelina Coletti,...
An abused woman is the greatest composer who ever lived. The twelfth and final book of prose and poetry from the mind of a woman named Carmen Angelina Coletti, a prodigy who was taken out of school when she was twelve years old and isolated from the world. Her simple, honest voice remains the picture of a young and reclusive country wife. Abused since early childhood, her music is her refuge, with a gift for composition so complete that she is likely the world's first female great composer, some believing her to be the most gifted composer of all time. Conceived and written for her own...
An abused woman is the greatest composer who ever lived. The twelfth and final book of prose and poetry from the mind of a woman named Carmen Angelina...
An abused woman is the greatest composer who ever lived. A unique and deeply emotional memoir by a woman named Carmen Angelina Coletti, a prodigy who was taken out of school when she was twelve years old and isolated from the world. Her simple, honest voice is the picture of a young and reclusive country wife. Abused since early childhood, her music is her refuge, with a gift for composition so complete that she is likely the world's first female great composer, some believing her to be the most gifted composer of all time. If the years with her mother and husband are all considered,...
An abused woman is the greatest composer who ever lived. A unique and deeply emotional memoir by a woman named Carmen Angelina Coletti, a prodigy who ...
A gifted composer struggles to survive an abusive marriage. The third book of a unique and deeply emotional memoir by a woman named Carmen Angelina Coletti, a prodigy who was taken out of school when she was twelve years old and isolated from the world. Her simple, honest voice remains the picture of a young and reclusive country wife. Abused since early childhood, her music is her refuge, with a gift for composition so complete that she is likely the world's first female great composer, some believing her to be the most gifted composer of all time. This revealing, often disturbing...
A gifted composer struggles to survive an abusive marriage. The third book of a unique and deeply emotional memoir by a woman named Carmen Angelina Co...
A teenage girl missing for twenty years returns home, looking the same age as when she left. A strange, ghostly glimpse into the life of sixteen year old Caley Littledove, who mysteriously returns to her parent's home one morning after two decades, having not aged a single day. Caley's account is a fascinating detour into the twilight of human history, as she struggles to come to grips with the impossible, and the inexplicable loss of twenty years come and gone. A prisoner of a world slipped forward in time, Caley is haunted by the life of her adopted sister Angela Tao, who was raised in...
A teenage girl missing for twenty years returns home, looking the same age as when she left. A strange, ghostly glimpse into the life of sixteen year ...
Two female vampires crave the blood of innocent young girls and women. A deeply disturbing glimpse at the darkest side of humanity, as told through the lives of Iris and Anya Greenwood, two women who live as a prosperous suburban married couple. Iris is the portrait of a woman tortured by dark instinct, held prisoner by a private lust and craving for the unspeakable. Hidden in a wealthy suburb of Richmond, Virginia, Iris and Anya have accepted the fullness of who they are, and the terrifying acts they must perform in secret to survive. Burdened by generations of darkness and hidden...
Two female vampires crave the blood of innocent young girls and women. A deeply disturbing glimpse at the darkest side of humanity, as told through th...
A Japanese American woman is the greatest assassin in human history. A bleak, otherworldly account from the end of the age, as told by thirty nine year old Satari Sakara, a.k.a. Sarah Green, a wealthy suburban woman who is the world's most gifted and unique assassin. Sarah's grim and tragic voice is a warrior's cry from deep within, and a disturbing portrait of human pain and suffering. Raised in bitterness by her Japanese mother, Sarah uncovers a story of hidden, suburban depravity, descended through the generations of the Sakara family women. Sarah allows behind closed doors truth into...
A Japanese American woman is the greatest assassin in human history. A bleak, otherworldly account from the end of the age, as told by thirty nine yea...
A girl with telekinesis uses her powers to cause airplanes to crash. A strange, apocalyptic glimpse at the end of the age, as seen through the lives of Laura Atwood and her daughter Venicia, a girl born with a unique, grand scale telekinetic ability. Laura's bleak, frustrated voice is the picture of single, suburban motherhood in the post modern era. Fed up with the phoniness and materialism of suburban life, Laura moves from the suburbs to the outskirts of Topeka, Kansas, to a small farmhouse on the open prairie. In their isolated house on the plains, Laura discovers her daughter's...
A girl with telekinesis uses her powers to cause airplanes to crash. A strange, apocalyptic glimpse at the end of the age, as seen through the lives o...